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Girl in wheelchair being supported by teacher to write Tuesday using a touch screen TV.

Nursery, Primary & Secondary Placements

In this exciting time of national and international educational reform, we are extending and developing our education provision to enable children and young people to achieve their full potential through a holistic, multi-disciplinary team approach. We offer a combined approach of healthcare, therapeutic interventions, and education to maximise each child’s potential, with parents as central partners.

Each child and young person has a highly individualised and bespoke pathway planned in conjunction with families and all relevant services. We work with a wide range of partners to offer our pupils a rounded educational experience.

All learners are supported throughout their school day to develop their communication using individualised strategies including assistive technology, PODD books, signing and objects of reference.

We currently offer specialist Early Learning and Child Care placements and this will be integrated into an expanded and inclusive Nursery provision on site in 2025/26, with excellent facilities and access to a stimulating outdoor environment.

Our Junior provision from P1 upwards offers a relevant, stimulating interdisciplinary learning cross curricular approach which is enhanced by opportunities for enrichment including outdoor learning, community access and educational excursions.

Our Senior provision from S3 upwards has a focus on the development of relevant skills for independence as is appropriate for each young person. This does include accreditation through the SQA at National 1 and above.

Alongside our full-time day school placements, we offer flexible and shared packages, including short term programmes of therapeutic interventions and all packages are adapted to reflect the individual needs of the child.

At the core of our practice is the child or young person, with a key drive to maintain health while developing the capacities and capabilities that enable communication, participation and independent living through targeted interventions from our specialist team.

Each class group is supported by a team of highly skilled and experienced learning, therapy and care practitioners in addition to teaching staff. Pupil’s also have access to on site independent Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.

Register your interest in a placement for 2025/26

Young boy pointing to letters, woman in front pointing to letters on a black board

A member of our team will contact you within 5-7 working days to answer any of your queries and we can arrange a visit to the Centre for you and your child.

Any data that you submit using this web form will be held by SCCMI as Data Controller and will be held securely for 1 year before being securely and confidentially destroyed unless you are continuing to engage with our services. Your data will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent or as otherwise allowed by the relevant Data Protection legislation and will only be used for responding to your query (or purposes associated with that purpose).

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